Friday, July 16, 2010

The Optometric Oath

With full deliberation I freely and solemnly pledge that: I will practice the art and science of optometry faithfully and conscientiously, and to the fullest scope of my competence. I will uphold and honorably promote by example and action the highest standards, ethics and ideals of my chosen profession and the honor of the degree, Doctor of Optometry, which has been granted me.

I will provide professional care for those who seek my services, with concern, with compassion and with due regard for their human rights and dignity.

I will place the treatment of those who seek my care above personal gain and strive to see that none shall lack for proper care.

I will hold as privileged and inviolable all information entrusted to me in confidence by my patients.

I will advise my patients fully and honestly of all which may serve to restore, maintain or enhance their vision and general health.

I will strive continuously to broaden my knowledge and skills so that my patients may benefit from all new and efficacious means to enhance the care of human vision.

I will share information cordially and unselfishly with my fellow optometrists and other professionals for the benefit of patients and the advancement of human knowledge and welfare. I will do my utmost to serve my community, my country and humankind as a citizen as well as an optometrist.

I hereby commit myself to be steadfast in the performance of this my solemn oath and obligation.

Tanvir Akhtar
BS(Hons) Optometry

Code of Ethics

It shall be the ideal, resolve, and duty of all optometrists:

TO KEEP their patients' eye, vision, and general health paramount at all times;

TO RESPECT the rights and dignity of patients regarding their health care decisions;

TO ADVISE their patients whenever consultation with, or referral to another optometrist or other health professional is appropriate;

TO ENSURE confidentiality and privacy of patients' protected health and other personal information;

TO STRIVE to ensure that all persons have access to eye, vision, and general health care;

TO ADVANCE their professional knowledge and proficiency to maintain and expand competence to benefit their patients;

TO MAINTAIN their practices in accordance with professional health care standards;

TO PROMOTE ethical and cordial relationships with all members of the health care community;

TO RECOGNIZE their obligation to protect the health and welfare of society; and

TO CONDUCT themselves as exemplary citizens and professionals with honesty, integrity, fairness, kindness and compassion

Adopted by the House of Delegates as:
Substantive Motion M-1944-1, June 1944; Modified June 2005; Repealed June 2007
Modified and Adopted as Resolution #1969, June 2007

Tanvir Akhtar
BS(Hons) Optometry

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions approved by the National Steering Committee for the prevention and control of blindness in Pakistan.

Ophthalmic Technician (Level I)
Minimum of one year time training in an accredited institution.
should make an important team member with the ophthalmologist;
note down the presenting complaints of the patients;
Ask the patient about common systemic diseases like diabetes, hypertension;
Ask the patient about the family history of common eye and systemic disease
(cataract, glaucoma, corneal, diabetes and hypertension)
Ask the patient about the use of any drug and allergy or hyper-sensitivity to any drug;
Detection and referral of common causes of blindness and visual impairment;
Health education and counseling;
Prescribe Vitamin A capsule/drops and Tetracycline, as appropriate;
Can use mydratics and local anesthetic with caution and responsibility
as advised by ophthalmologist;
Can remove superficial conjunctival foreign bodies
Can assess visual acuity for near and far, use pinhole, measure IOP,
and use of auto-refract meter;
Assist the Ophthalmologist in the operation theater and out-patient department;
Basic care and maintenance of ophthalmic equipments;
Maintain the record of ophthalmic unit manually and computerized;
Participation in community based eye health programs like school eye health,
trachoma control program, prevention of childhood blindness program etc.

Refractionist (Level II)
Minimum of two years full time training in an accredited institution
Can perform all the functions of level I;
Carry out refraction of all patients whose visual acuity improves with pinhole;
Assess the refractive state of a child 3 years and above using cycloplegic agent;
Basic vision function assessment including assessment of visual fields, contrast
and binocular visual function; contrast sensitivity
Screening of ocular pathologies at out patient department/ field and referral to
appropriate specialist;
Be able to carry out basic fundus examination using a direct Ophthalmoscope.
Performs any other relative assignment by the department;
Maintain records of ophthalmic unit and reporting;
Supervise school and community eye health screening programmes;
Coordinate and impart training to primary health workers and teachers;
Contribute to the eye health promotion activities;
Contribute to eye health and blindness surveys;
Carry out basic low vision assessment and prescribe LVDs from a defined range.

Optometrist (Level III)
Minimum of four year's full time training leading to
a university degree in an accredited institution
World Council of Optometry (WCO) defines optometrist as follows:
Optometrists are the primary health care practitioners of the eye and
visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which
includes refraction and dispensing detection/diagnosis and management of
diseases in the eye, and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system."
In the light of the above, the following job description is recommended for Pakistan.
Can perform all the functions of level II
Can perform the additional skills acquired:
Advanced refraction including refraction of all children
Low vision assessment
Prescribe hard and soft contact lens
Carry out advance visual function assessment
Detection/diagnosis and referral of diseases of eye
Can act as faculty member and trainer for level I and I
and other relevant cadres
Engage in operational and field research;
manage record keeping, analysis, and reporting;
Participate and lead on various eye campaigns.

Orthoptists (Level III)
Orthoptic assessment and non surgical management;
Visual function assessment especially in children;
Pediatric refraction / assessment including cycloplegic refraction;
Engage in research related to BSV anomalies;
Performs any other relevant field of expertise;
Record keeping and reporting.

Ophthalmic Technologist (Level III)
Assist ophthalmologist in LASER;
Perform the Diagnostic procedures like FFA (in presence of a doctor), A& B-Scan
Biometry, Perimetry Electrophysiological test and any other non-invasie advanced diagnostic procedures.
Maintenance of instrument & equipments.
Engage in operational and field research;
Teaching and training in the relevant field;
Perform any other relevant assignment by the department;
Record keeping an

Muhammad Rashid
Contact Lens Clinic
Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital

Monday, July 5, 2010

Pakistan Optometric Conference Submission of Abstracts

My Dear All Members!

Submission of Abstracts and Call for Papers!

The first Pakistan Optometric Conference is
schedules to be held on 27-28th Nov 2010,
 in Rawalpindi /Islamabad.

Abstract submission for conference is open now.

Deadline for Abstract submission is 31st August 2010.

Muhammad Rashid

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Latest POA membership info

Mr Rizwan Elahi
Mr Nasir Iqbal
Mr Faisal Nadeem
joined POA

Muhammad Rashid
Contact Lens Clinic
Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital

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