Eye Societies


American Association for Ophthalmic Standardized Echography
AAPOS Home Page
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. A resource for Pediatric Ophthalmologists, Strabismologists, related personnel and patients.
Alabama Academy of Ophthalmology
ALAO website is a trade association made up of ophthalmologists who are licensed and practicing in the state of Alabama,and Corporate representatives who provide goods or services of value to ophthalmologists .
Alaska Optometric Physicians Association
News, meetings,web links, and directory search of optometrists.
Alaska State Ophthalmological Society
does not have a website as of April 2006.
Alberta Association of Optometrists
Website for professional optometrists in Alberta, Canada. It includes eyecare information.
All India Ophthalmological Society
Conference abstracts, CME, Full text journal articles, membership directory, newsletter and more. (may be slow to load).
AMD Alliance International
A global coalition of vision and seniors' organizations dedicated to the raising awareness of AMD and the options available for prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation and support services.
AMDF: American Macular Degeneration Foundation
American Academy of Ophthalmology
This site serves the professional needs of the Academy's members.
American Academy of Optometry
About membership services, the Annual Meeting, News, additional links.
American Academy of Optometry, British Chapter
Tutorials and pages upon pages of Information for, by or about Optometrists and Optometry.
American Academy of Pediatrics. Section on Ophthalmology
Provides an educational forum for the discussion of problems and treatments related to ophthalmology in children. Includes pdf files of published policy statements.
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. A resource for Pediatric Ophthalmologists, Strabismologists, related personnel and patients.
American Association of Ophthalmic Pathologists
A professional association of medical doctors who practice, teach and or engage in research in ophthalmic pathology.
American Board of Ophthalmology
History of the Board, Mission and intent, Examination Statistics, Applications, Requirements, Dates and Deadlines, Requirements for Recertification. Links to the American Board of Medical Specialties.
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
ACVO is the association that establishes criteria for certifying veterinary ophthalmologists. Site contains profiles of diplomates, areas for professionals and for the public, a calendar of events, news items and related links.
American Foundation for the Blind
Information about the organization, its services and publications. Includes the AFB Directory of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the United States and Canada. Locate organizations in the United States and Canada that provide services to people who are blind or visually impaired and their families. The Services Center is based on the AFB Directory of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the United States and Canada. You can use the Services Center to find a service provider by name, state, country, or service category.
American Glaucoma Sociey
Promotes excellence in the care of patients with glaucoma and preserves or enhances vision by supporting glaucoma specialists and scientists through the advancement of education and research. Has physician and patient resource centers.
American Nystagmus Network
Information about Nystagmus, links to a discussion group, ANN conferences. The Site Map is helpful in navigating the site.
American Ophthalmological Society
Promotes excellence in patient care, education and research, to address essential issues in medicine, and to advance the art and science of ophthalmology. Transactions are available online.
American Optometric Association
About the AOA. Common eye conditions and diseases, children's vision, contact lens information, sports & vision, eyecare tips, an educations center (for kids, for teachers and for people considering optometry as a career). Recent press releases
American Optometric Foundation
The foundation for the American Academy of Optometry.
American Osteopathic College of Ophthalmology
Profesional site for Osteopathic ophthalmologists. Includes directory of members and FAQ for patients.
American Public Health Association, Vision Care Section
The VCS serves as an advocate to ensure equality in, and access to, vision and eye health care, and to ensure inclusion of vision in public health policy. Websiter contains information about the organization and resolutions, a list of officers and upcoming events.
American Retina Foundation
For patient education about retinal problems. Supported by Alcon grant. Physicans search service.
American Society of Ocularists
The American Society of Ocularists is an international, non-profit, professional and educational organization founded in 1957 by technicians specializing in the fabricating and fitting of custom-made ocular prosthetics (artificial eyes).
American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery
Members have access to images. Surgeon search service. Has meeting and government relations sections.
American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: ASOPRS
Membership directory, Information about ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery: eyelid, orbit, eye, lacrimal, cosmetic surgery, oculoplastics, prosthesis, trauma, blepharoplasty, blepharospasm, thyroid eye disease, laser, facial surgery, fractures, congenital deformities, fellowship information. The site index is very helpful
American Society of Ocularists
An international, non-profit, professional and educational organization founded in 1957 by professionals specializing in the fabricating and fitting of custom-made ocular prosthetics (artificial eyes). Has a search engine to locate ocularists. FAQ's listed under Resources.
American Society of Ophthalmic Administrators
The ASOA is a membership organization focusing on the business of ophthalmology. They publish Administrative Eye Care and offer Certification of Ophthalmic Executives. They offer online courses in administration.
American Society of Retina Specialists
Information about the society, its meetings and publications (including the online journal). Listserver information (for members). Disease Information (Information about Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Physicians search service.
American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
American Uveitis Society
Resource for individuals with an interest in inflammatory eye diseases, including patients, families, researchers, ophthalmologists and other healthcare providers.
Aravind Eye Care System
WHO collaborating centre for prevention of blindness located in Madurai, Theni, Tirunelveli Coimbatore, and Pondicherry, India. See the Aravind Eyesite, an online collection of comprehensive resources for eye care programs around the world. It shares tools that help plan, implement, manage and assess high quality, efficient, and sustainable eye care programs in the developing world.
Arizona Ophthalmological Society
Serves as a source of educational, social, and ethical exchange for the member Eye MDs of the State of Arizona. Has a member's directory.
Arizona Optometric Association
Search of AZ optometrists, Some patient education and professional opportunities.
Arkansas Ophthalmological Society
Promotes and advances the science and art of medical eye care. Has information for public and ophthalmologists.
Armed Forces Optometric Society
Lists officers and mission statement. Has some web links.
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Site of EyeWorld news service.
ASOPRS: see American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses. Information about the organization and its publications, services and products, Information about Certification.
ASRS: see American Society of Retina Specialists
Association for Macular Diseases, Inc.
About the association, a monthly newsletter and more.
Association des optométristes du Québec
Web site in French. Sections for general public and optometrists.
Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Hosts biennial meetings. For vision scientists interested in the exchange of information about ocular pharmacology. Publishes the Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Association of Optometric Contact Lens Educators
The Association of Optometric Contact Lens Educators is committed to fostering the highest levels of education in the areas of cornea and contact lenses and supporting the faculty in these areas at each of the North American schools and colleges of optometry..
Association of Optometrists (London, England)
Promotes the professional and clinical independence of its members and the profession .
Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry
The Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO) is the federation of state, provincial, and territorial boards of optometry throughout North America. Boards of optometry serve as the licensing and regulatory arm of the optometric profession by formulating rules, or regulations, that govern and enforce the laws that grant the privilege to practice optometry, which are enacted by state legislatures.
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
ASCO's website lists Accredited Schools and College of Optometry, residency sites, optometric faculty directory, FAQ about optometry and links to related sites.
Association of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology
Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology
Represents academic departments of ophthalmology with open positions and a newsletter.
Association of Veterans Affairs Ophthalmologists
Has a membership listing and pdf copies of newsletters.
Association of Vision Science Librarians (AVSL)
The Association of Vision Science Librarians is an international organization composed of professional librarians, or persons acting in that capacity, whose collections and services include the literature of vision. Among current members are individuals who work within libraries that serve educational institutions, eye clinics and hospitals, and private companies with an interest in eye or vision-related products and services. The Association is a Special Interest Group of both the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry and the Medical Library Association. Site includes: Publications: Standards, Guidelines, Union List of Vision-Related Serials, Opening Day Book Collection, Core List Audio-Visual Collection, Publication Considerations in the Age of Electronic Opportunities. Includes links to a Subject Guide to Internet Resources in Vision Science, a list of Spanish Language Books, E-Books & Journals, CD-ROM Titles in Vision Science, Directories & Statistical Sources, Eye Care Statistics, and Library Catalogs.
AVSL: see Association of Vision Science Librarians


Belgian Society of Ophthalmology
Multi-lingual site with information about the organization, its publications, congresses, and links to other sites. It has an extensive calendar of ophthalmology events and congresses that is well worth the visit.
Beta Sigma Kappa
International Optometric Honor Society
Brazilian Society of Laser and Ophthalmic Surgery
Alternative name: Brazilian Laser Ophthalmological Surgery Society. An official society of the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology. (may be slow to load)
British Columbia Association of Optometrists
The voice of Optometrists across the province;it is prominently affiliated with provincial, national and government organizations
British Computer Association of the Blind
British Contact Lens Association
About the association. Clinical Conference announcements, continuing education sourses and scientific meetings.


California Academy of Ophthalmology
Serves the total visual health care needs of the people through public and professional education, membership services, and legislative advocacy. It is dedicated to the public's direct access to an ophthalmologist's care.
California Optometric Association
For CA professionals. Includes calendar of events.
Canadian Association of Optometrists
CAO is the professional association that represents Doctors of Optometry in Canada. It is also the national federation of ten provincial associations of optometrists and represents over 3,200 members across Canada. This site is committed to providing quality information about Optometry, the national association, and vision and eye health.
Canadian Examiners in Optometry (CEO)
Canadian Examiners in Optometry (CEO) is a not-for-profit corporation whose shareholders are the ten provincial Regulators. CEO was created by the Regulators to address matters of common interest. These include 1)describing the profession as practised in Canada, including describing quality practice, 2)assessing the competence of individual optometrists in the practice of optometry and providing the assessment results to the individuals and to relevant regulators, 3)providing mechanisms to evaluate the quality of practice of optometrists in Canada.
Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS)
( About the society, its programs, services and affiliations as well as a calendar of events, and information for the public.
The Canadian Orthoptic Society (TCOS)
Current information on practice opportunities in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology Subspecialties (and other specialties). Listings have been submitted by employers who are interested in reaching current Ophthalmology residents and fellows. Each posting includes a brief description of the opportunity, as well as contact information for all inquiries.
Center for the Partially Sighted
Promotes independent living for people of all ages with impaired sight.
College of Optometrists (London, England)
The College of Optometrists is the Professional, Scientific and Examining Body for Optometry in the UK working for the public benefit.
College of Optometrists in Vision Development
St. Louis, Missouri. This site includes a library of articles about many vision conditions and treatments, also information about the organization and links to other sites.
Colorado Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
An organization for Colorado ophthalmologists. Sponsors CE and advocates legislative actions.
Commission on Opticianry Accreditation
COA is the organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit Opticianry training in the United States.
Connecticut Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Represents more than 300 ophthalmologists in the State of Connecticut - and their patients. It has programs for education and advocacy.
Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists
CLAO's mission is to advance quality medical eye care for the public by providing comprehensive ophthalmologists and other eye care professionals with education and training in contact lenses and related eye care science.
Contact Lens Council
Glossary, Contact Lens History, Contact Lens FAQ, Health and Safety.
Contact Lens Society of America
Has a member search engine. Sponsors an annual meeting and CE courses. It is dedicated to the education, evolution, and promotion of contact lens technology.
Cornea Society
Information for professionals.
Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance
CRSQA is a nonprofit consumer/patient health organization that certifies surgeons who perform eye surgery to eliminate glasses. Extensive information regarding refractive surgery. Links to certified surgeons and other vision related websites.
Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE)
COPE is a committee of the Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO), which is the association that currently represents 50 US optometry boards, 4 US territories/jurisdictions, and 2 Canadian boards. Its mission is to: 1)coordinate the review and approval of continuing optometric education courses on behalf of state boards on a national basis; 2)reduce duplication of effort by state boards; 3)create a uniform method of recording continuing education courses on a national basis; 4)be the clearinghouse for information about continuing education programs and courses utilized by licensed optometrists to fulfill their continuing education requirements for license renewal; and 5) encourage program sponsors to offer high quality CE in appropriate settings with adequate administrative structure.


Delaware Academy of Ophthalmology
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
DGII: Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation und refraktive Chirurgie
German speaking Society of Intraocular Lens Implantation and Refractive Surgery.


European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons
European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Eye Complications Study Group (EASDec)
Its AIM is to promote the advance of knowledge on all aspects of diabetic retinopathy, including epidemiology, pathology, pathophysiology and treatment of this complication of diabetes mellitus.
European Association of Eye Hospitals
10 Hospital libraries formed an association for eye hospitals. Have benchmarking guidelines.
European Board of Ophthalmology
The EBO is a permanent working group of the Ophthalmology Subspecialty Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). The Board oversees the standard of ophthalmic training. Residency Review Committee has a recommended list of books and journals.
European Eye Bank Association
The European Eye Bank Association (EEBA) is a technical-scientific organization comprising individual members from 83 eye banks from 22 European countries. Has a directory of members and eye bank standards. The country profiles covers Legislation and Quality Assurance matters. Related links section lists more ophthalmic associations and societies.
European Ophthalmic Pathology Society
EVER: European Association for Vision and Research
About the Association, its meetings and benefits.
Eye Bank Association of America
News and updates, Education, and how to contact the association. Includes a list of state eye banks.
Eye Health Organizations Database.
A database created by the National Eye Institute of eye health organizations.
EyeCare America
A Public Service Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
The EyeCare Foundation
About the Foundation and it efforts toward research and treatment of Macular Degeneration, Ocular Oncology, and related Eye Diseases.
Ophthalmological Society of Egypt. Information about OSE, membership, meetings, publications. Links to other sites.


Florida Society of Ophthalmology
Website for professional ophthalmologists in Florida.
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
The Foundation's purpose is to find a cure for retinitis pigmentosa (RP), macular degeneration, Usher syndrome, and related retinal degenerative diseases.


Georgia Society of Ophthalmology
For Georgia ophthalmologists. Litte information for public. No physicians search engine.
German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft. A bilingual site for students, health care professionals and patients: Information about the DOG; Annual Meetings; Associated Societies and Interest Groups; Calendar of Events; Mailing lists (German speaking); Announcements/literature; eye Information (German). You may toggle between the English language and German language versions.
The Glaucoma Foundation
Describes the foundations programs and resources, information about Glaucoma, Patient Guide, Newsroom, sign up for Mailing lists, Newsletter.
Great Western Council of Optometry
GWCO EXHIBITORS: Registration, advertising and sponsorship. Member state websites.
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
Provides guide dogs free of charge to blind people who seek enhanced mobility and independence.


Hawaii Ophthalmological Society
Has members directory.
Hawaii Optometric Association
For HI optometric professionals.
Heart of America Contact lens Society
Focuses on upcoming conferences,including courses, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and online registration processes.


Idaho Optometric Association
Has a member locator. Rest of site is for ID optometric professionals
Idaho Society of Ophthalmology
The public can find member ophthalmologists and some eye information. Members can find information about educational meetings.
Illinois Association of Ophthalmology
Does not have a web site as of April 2006.
Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology
This is a state-wide, non-profit organization for member ophthalmologists.
International Council of Ophthalmology
Resources and Connections for Prevention of Blindness: Data, Publications and Organizations. See also the Home page for the International Council of Ophthalmology. This site is the home of the database of International Ophthalmological Societies and Residency Programs and a list of Supranational and International Ophthalmologic and Subspecialty Organizations.
International Eye Foundation
Through SightReach, three programs are available: Prevention (cataract, trachoma, river blindness, and childhood blindness), Surgical, and Management.
International Foundation for Optic Nerve Disease (IFOND)
IFOND promotes research into the causes, prevention, and treatment of optic nerve disease, and to the dissemination of information about optic nerve disease. The web site is an information/support center for patients with optic nerve disease and their families, as well as clinicians, scientists and lay persons interested in optic nerve disease.
International Ophthalmology Association in the Web
Formed in 2005, it is independent, non-profit organization which aims to establish a worldwide membership and community of ophthalmologists (eye physicians and surgeons). They plan on offering free educational materials and new ideas and opportunities for continuing education and training so that to ensure the public can obtain the best possible eye care but that part of the site is still under construction (Mar, 2007).
International Perimetric Society
About Perimetry, the IPS, meeting information, IPS news, membership list, IPS proceedings and abstracts, IPS constitution, Perimetry Standards.
International Society for Eye Research (ISER)
Information about the organization, conferences sponsored by ISER and about its publication Experimental Eye Research.
International Society for Imaging in the Eye
Information about the organization
International Society for Ocular Cell Biology
Group for cell biologists working in all aspects of ocular health and disease. Meets biennially. Has a useful links page.
International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS)
Information for patients, locate a doctor, meeting and marketplace. Also, member's only services, member directory and ISRS interactive.
Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation
The Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation (IHRF) funds and supports medical research to develop better therapies to control Intracranial Hypertension (IH) while ultimately seeking a cure. The Foundation also provides support, education, and encouragement for IH patients, their families, and medical professionals.
Iowa Academy of Ophthalmology
Does not have a web site as of April 2006.
ISCEV (International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision)
Information about meetings, courses and standards. A newsletter, membership list and related links.
Indian Ophthalmology on the web. Contains images, videos, case studies, and a discussion area.



Kansas State Ophthalmological Society
Represents and serves the ophthalmologists of Kansas by providing CE and legislative advocacy.
Karolinska Institutet - Eye Diseases
A large site with many links to eye disease resources. Well worth the visit.
Kentucky Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Society website includes ophthalmologist locator for Kentucky.


Library Services for Visually Impaired People: A Manual of Best Practice
This manual is designed to provide practical help for all staff who meet and serve visually impaired people during their working day. The manual draws on the experience of specialists in the field of visual impairment and of practising librarians and library managers.
Lighthouse International
Low Vision Resources and Information.
Louisiana Lions Eye Foundation, Inc.
Louisiana Ophthalmology Association
For professional ophthalmologists of LA


Macula Society
Sponsors an annual meeting on retinal vascular and macular diseases. For researchers.
Macula Vision Research Foundation
Has eye education information.
Macular Degeneration Foundation
see also Macular Degeneration Foundation - Eyesight Vision Central Vision
Macular Degeneration International
Information about MDI as well as information about both juvenile and age-related macular degeneration written for patients and families.
Macular Degeneration Network
An educational web site for patients with macular degeneration and the health professionals who care for them. Information written for patients about treatment and prevention of MD and more.
Maine Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Society website includes ophthalmologist locator for Maine.
Manitoba Association of Optometrists
Has an optometrist search engine by city. Has association links and eye information.
Maryland Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons
Address and contact information.
Massachusetts Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
A non-profit organization of ophthalmologists dedicated to the public's direct access to ophthalmic care. Contains information about projects and conferences.
Michigan Ophthalmological Society
Information for members and for the public including Eye Health Topics, ophthalmologist diectory and continuing education.
Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology
Information for members and for the public including Eye Health Topics Archives.
Mississippi Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Association
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Missouri Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Montana Academy of Ophthalmology
Organizational and representative body of the medical eye physicians/surgeons in the State of Montana. Includes a membership directory.
Montana Optometric Association
Has a membership directory. Buyers guide. Information on Paraoptometric Section.
Mountain West Council of Optometrists
Information about sponsors, speakers and upcoming conferences.


National Academy of Opticianry
Founded in 1963, the Academy offers opticianry education and training in a variety of formats. They cover all aspects of education and training from career preparation (internationally known as the Career Progression Program), certification and licensing exam preparation and continuing education for beginning through advanced level opticians.
National Association of Veterans Affairs Optometrists
Has a directory of members; residence brochure; open positions in the VA; Newsletter.
National Association for Visually Handicapped
For Patients, family and friends that need everything from large print books to the latest on their particular condition. Health Care Professionals are welcome here as well. Tips to the Visually Impaired for reconfiguring web browsers, and more.
National Board of Examiners in Optometry
Exam guide, exam schedule, application, Test Points and National Board Articles.
National Eye Institute
The National Eye Institute (NEI) was established by Congress in 1968 to protect and prolong the vision of the American people. The NEI conducts and supports research that helps prevent and treat eye diseases and other disorders of vision. This research leads to sight-saving treatments, reduces visual impairment and blindness, and improves the quality of life for people of all ages. NEI-supported research has advanced our knowledge of how the visual system functions in health and disease. NEI has an Eye Health Organizations Database.
National Federation of Opticianry Schools
National Keratoconus Foundation
About keratoconus, research overview, a newsletter, and other keratoconus links, Also, information about the Foundation.
National Optometric Association
An organization for optometry students and optometrists who are classified as a minority.
National Sjogren's Syndrome Association
About the organization, Finding Help, Symptoms/Information, related diseases.
Nebraska Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
The Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA)
Information for patients and professionals. Patient information articles run the gamut from visual hallucinations to convergence insufficiency syndrome.
Nevada Ophthalmological Society
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Nevada Optometric Association
Has a NV optometry search engine.
New Brunswick Association of Optometrists
Has a doctor search engine; Some information on eye safety and healthy eyes.
New Hampshire Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
New Jersey Academy of Ophthalmology
Has a directory search for NJ ophthalmologists and lists websites for eye organizations.
New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians
Eyecare & eyewear information for consumers as well as providing a comprehensive on-line resource and reference library for New Jersey's optometrists.
New Mexico Ophthalmological Society
Directory of NM ophthalmologists; eye information from Medem network.
New York State Ophthalmological Society
Has a member directory to find ophthalmologists in NY. Has a What's New page and links to insurance forms and coding.
New Zealand Society of Contact Lens Practitioners
A wide ranging resource with many relevant links.
Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Optometrists
Has a doctor search engine; Some information on eye safety and healthy eyes. Has links to other Canadian provincial optometric organisations.
NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation) Albinism and Hypopigmentation
The purpose of this page is to provide information about albinism and NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation). This page is also for members of NOAH to post announcements of meetings and social events, and tell their success stories.
NOAH (New York Online Access to Health): Eyes and Low Vision
New York Online Access to Health. Links to sites about the eye especially selected for patients and the general public. En Español: los ojos y la visión
North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS)
Professional Society information for members as well as some patient informational brochures on such topics as migraines, myasthenia gravis, pseudotumor cerebri, and thyoid eye disease.
North Carolina Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Has an extensive links page and NC legislative section.
North Dakota Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Northern Rockies Optometric Conference
Has annual meeting information; patient education information; and a doctor's search.
The Nova Scotia Association of Optometrists
Has search engine for NS optometrists. Has eye information.
Nystagmus Network
Information about nystagmus.


Ocular Heritage Society
For members who appreciate, conserve and collect items relating to the ophthalmic sciences. Has information on French spectacles from 1800.
Ocular Motor Apraxia
Written for the layperson concerned about OMA.Support groups, mailing list, message board, a bibliography about OMA.
Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group (OMIG
Contact information, OMIG meetings, and helpful links for members.
Ocularists Association of Australia
The Ocularists Association of Australia was founded as a way to ensure a high standard of service and care for artificial eye recipients in Australia. Includes a mission statement and code of ethics. Standards are under development. Some support groups are listed.
Ohio Ophthalmological Society
About the organization, membership and legislation. Also community resources, practice management, educational opportunities and related links.
Oklahoma Academy of Ophthalmology
Oklahoma ophthalmologist directory. Has legislative information and some internet links.
Ontario Association of Optometrists
Has an optometry search engine and eye information.
Ophthalmic Photographers' Society
Besides having information about OPS, this sites contains helpful information about Ophthalmic photography, abundant images, Chapters about types of ophthalmic imaging and what it can reveal.
Optical Laboratories Association
An international business association founded in 1894 to serve the needs of the optical laboratory industry. OLA produces a variety of education and training materials for optical laboratories and eyecare professionals and it sponsors and administers the ANSI Z80 Committee and serves as the ANSI Z80 Secretariat.
The Optical Society of America
The mission of OSA is to promote the generation, application and archiving of knowledge in optics and photonics and to disseminate this knowledge worldwide.
The Opticians Association of America
Opticians Association of America general information, membership information, optician forum, information about continuing education, web site announcements.
The Opticians Association of Canada
Has sections for professional opticians, student opticians and the consumer.
Optometric Extension Program Foundation
The OEP is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to the gathering and dissemination of information on Vision.
Optometric Historical Society
An organization for persons interested in the history of optometry, spectacle lenses, vision science, or related topics.
Optometric Physicians of Washington
Has eye health information and an optometric physician's search engine.
ORBIS International
About the organization. ORBIS is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to preserving and restoring sight in the developing world. Through innovative programs and partnerships, ORBIS produces long-term, sustainable solutions to preventable blindness that emphasize training of medical personnel, strengthening of in-country eye care institutions, and expanding delivery of quality eye care and prevention strategies in those parts of the world where the need is greatest.
Oregon Academy of Ophthalmology
About the academy, educational opportunities and the way of serving three audiences: public, members and other Ophthalmologists. Includes a search engine to find ophthalmologists.
Oregon Optometric Physicians Association
Has eye health information and an optometric physician's search engine.
Orthokeratology Academy of America
Has online version of The Corrected View, its journal. Serves orthokeratologists around the world. Has some consumer links and a professional membership page.
Orthoptic Association of Australia, Inc. (OAA)
About Orthoptics, the association and conferences offered through OAA.
Orthoptics Online
American Association of Certified Orthoptics and The American Orthoptic Council website with Continuting Opportunities, training programs, the American Orthoptic Journal and more.
Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgery Society
Providing education, information, and advocacy with government agencies for its members and their ASCs. Helping ASC owners and ophthalmic surgeons utilizing ASCs provide high quality, cost-effective surgical care.


Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology
Non-profit organization whose mission is the continuing education of ophthalmologists, the prevention of blindness, and the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange among ophthalmologists in the Western Hemisphere and the world.
Pediatric Keratoplasty Association
An association dedicated to the study of Pediatric Keratoplasty. Site includes Physician and eye information areas, research information, newsletters, meeting information for physicians and an interactive web board.
Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology
An association of "Eye MDs". Some eye information. Calendar of events. Internet links to ophthalmic groups.
Prevent Blindness America
National voluntary health agency working to prevent blindness. The site contains Eye Facts and Fun, including Eye Health and Safety Tips, Glaucoma Information, and the Effects of Computers on Your Eyes.
Prince Edward Island Association of Optometrists
Has an eye doctor search engine; information on eye safety and eye health.
Puerto Rico Ophthalmological Society
Web site in Spanish language. Directory search for ophthalmologist. Some eye information.



Retina Australia
Retina Australia, Inc., formerly The Retinitis Pigmentosa Society (RP Society), represents people who live with retinitis pigmentosa and other retinal dystrophies. These are degenerative diseases causing low vision and a gradual deterioration of a person's sight. The work of RA Inc. is carried out predominantly by volunteers, many who are vision impaired and know the implications of vision loss. Retina Australia is committed to raising funds to support research into treatments and a cure for RP and all other retinal dystrophies.
Retina International
Retina International (formerly known as the International Retinitis Pigmentosa Assoc. - IRPA) is a voluntary charitable umbrella association of 34 national societies each of which is formed by people with Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies, their families and friends.
Retina Society
Has a directory of members. Sponsors an annual meeting.
Rhode Island Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
ROPARD: Association for Retinopathy of Prematurity and Related Retinal Diseases
About ROP, information and links for parents, videos, and a newsletter.
Royal National Institute for the Blind , UK
London based Royal National Institute for the Blind. UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems. Helps anyone with a sight problem – not just with braille, Talking Books and computer training, but with imaginative and practical solutions to everyday challenges. Funds pioneering research into preventing and treating eye disease.
Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind
RVIB, Melbourne, Australia. RVIB has been providing services, resources and support to Victorians who are blind or vision impaired so that they may lead full and independent lives.


Saskatchewan Association Of Optometrists
Association of Optometrists providing eyecare. Has an optometrist search engine and eye information
Societas Internationalis Pro Diagnostica Ultrasonica in Ophthalmologia, International Ophthalmic Echography Organization
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
The Foundation provides patients practical information and coping strategies that minimize the effects of Sjögren's syndrome. In addition, the Foundation is the clearinghouse for medical information and is the recognized national advocate for Sjögren's syndrome.
SNOF: Syndicat National des Ophtalmologistes de France
Especially see the photothèque.
Sociedad Colombiana de Oftalmologia
The Society of ophthalmologists from Colombia, South America. Their purpose is to aid the development of scientific aspects of ophthalmology. It includes a vision science journal list, information on practice patterns. The website is in Spanish.
Societas Internationalis Pro Diagnostica Ultrasonica in Ophthalmologia: See SIDUO
Society of Military Ophthalmologists
A society for active duty and former or retired ophthalmologists of the U. S. Army, Air Force, Navy, and Public Health Service with some helpful links.
South Carolina Society of Ophthalmology
South Carolina's Eye MDs. The activities of this society and some internet links.
Southern Council of Optometrists
SoCO is comprised of the state associations of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. The corporation name is SECO International.
South Dakota Academy of Ophthalmology
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
SPIE: International Society for Optical Engineering
SPIE is a not-for-profit society that has become the largest international force for the exchange, collection and dissemination of knowledge in optics, photonics and imaging.
Surgical Eye Expeditions (S.E.E.) International
Surgical Eye Expeditions (SEE) International, Inc. is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides medical, surgical and educational services by volunteer ophthalmic surgeons with the primary objective of restoring sight to disadvantaged blind individuals worldwide.
Surgical Eyes Foundation
Surgical Eyes™ is an organization founded by people with longer-term complications from refractive surgery to assist others who have had unsuccessful LASIK, LASEK, PRK, RK, AK, ALK or other elective refractive surgeries. We help identify current remedies and spur development of future technologies to help us overcome our surgically created visual difficulties...
Swiss Orthoptics SVO/ASO
Syndicat National des Ophtalmologistes de France
Phototheque, Annonces, Conges, Art, Histoire, Liens.


Talking Newspaper Association, UK
for people with Low Vision.
Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society
Purpose is to advance the research, literacy & educational aspects of the scientific field of the tearfilm and ocular surface.
Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology
About the Academy, their education and the provided resources of assistance. Includes an ophthalmologist search engine.
Texas Ophthalmological Association
Online search directory for ophthalmologists. Includes legislative information.


Unite for Sight
A nonprofit organization that empowers communities worldwide to improve eye health and eliminate preventable blindness.
Utah Ophthalmological Society
Provides public information as well as updates members and other ophthalmic professionals on current news and educational opportunities. Online Directory of members.
Utah Optometric Association
Has a doctor locator. Has a market place and calendar of events.


Verband der Spezialkliniken Deutschlands für Augenlaser und Refraktive Chirurgie e.V.
Der Verband der Spezialkliniken Deutschlands fuer Augenlaser und Refraktive Chirurgie e.V. (VSDAR) hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, umfassend ueber die operativen Methoden zur Korrektur der Fehlsichtigkeiten zu informieren und aufzuklaeren. Ausserdem unterstuetzt er seine Mitglieder bei der Qualitaetssicherung sowie der Weiterentwicklung der eingesetzten Verfahren. [German Language. The Association of German Clinics for Eye Laser and Refractive Surgery (VSDAR) attempts to educate and inform patients about the opportunities of operative vision correction. Furthermore, the association supports its members in quality assurance issues and the further development of the treatment.]
Vermont Ophthalmological Society
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Virginia Society of Ophthalmology
Nonprofit organization committed to heightening public awareness that eye disease and blindness can be reduced through prevention, and early detection and treatment. Online Newsletter. Some internet links.
Vision Council of America / Better Vision Institute
VCA is the largest nonprofit trade association that represents the interests of the entire optical community. Members of VCA are those which sell optical products in North America and exhibit at International Vision Expo East, International Vision Expo West, and EyeQuest. VCA has four categories of membership. Full Membership, Associate Membership, Exhibitor Membership and Trade Media Membership.
Vision of Children
One of the organization's goals is to disseminate information about the detection, incidence, and treatment of diseases or conditions that either severely impair vision or cause total blindness in children. The site addresses ocular albinism and other hereditary diseases affecting the eye.
Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity: See VOSH International
VOSH International
Provides vision care worldwide to people who can neither afford nor obtain such care. Newsletter available.


Washington Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
Ophthalmologist search engine. Medem eye health library link. Includes meeting information.
Washington DC Metropolitan Ophthalmological Society
Has search engine for DC ophthalmologists. Helpful websites for the public.
West Virginia Academy of Ophthalmology
About WVAO, their events and education with some featured links.
Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Women in Ophthalmology
About this organization, it's goals and a listing of their events through 2004.
World Council of Optometry
The World Council of Optometry (WCO) is an international organization dedicated to the enhancement and development of eye and vision care worldwide. Representing over 50 countries, WCO serves as a forum for member organizations to respond to public health needs and opportunities around the world.
Wyoming Ophthalmological Society
Does not have a web site as of April 2006
Wyoming Optometric Association
Has patient eye information and a doctor's search.