Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eye Charts

  • Classic Eye Chart: Joel Schneider's 3-page Snellen Chart plus near vision testing card
  • Modern Standard: ETDRS charts based on those provided on the National Eye Institute's charts page. The following charts have correctly-labelled lines from 40ft to 2ft suitable for printing on letter sized paper, and feature vector graphics for a sharper image (unlike the maximum 300dpi, not-to-scale charts provided by the N.E.I.).
  • Interactive Eye Chart: Alejandro Saksida's Flash-based Ultimate Random Snellen Chart generator, version 3.1 (updated January 12, 2006):
  • Vision Training Charts from Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D., with instructions.
  • Alex Eulenberg's 1-page Snellen Chart (20/20)
    • in GIF format (browser-viewable, also printable at 72 dpi)
    • in Macintosh PICT format (hi-resolution, downloadable & printable)
    • in Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) format (compatible with, among other programs, WordPerfect for Windows.)
    • in PDF format.
  • Vic Cinc's Letter rows & grid of random tumbling E's
  • Vic Cinc's Astigmatic mirror
  • Egidio Rizzi's Vision Charts for Eyesight Improvement -- 10 charts for practicing fusion, convergence, divergence, with notes on each exercise's applicability for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Make your own eye chart!

For those enterprising souls out there who would like to laserprint or draw by hand their own eye chart, or if you would like to verify that your printout is of the correct proportions, here are the specs:
Distance (feet)  70   60    50    40    30    20    15    10    7    4
letter ht (mm)   31   27    22    18    13     9     7     4    3    2
letter ht (pt)   88   76    63    50    38    25    19    13    9    5
font size (pt)  152  130   108    87    65    43    33    21   15    9
With the University at Buffalo's Interactive Visual Acuity Chart, you can display the letters or symbols for a specified Snellen line on your computer monitor at exactly the right size (note: you must follow the instructions for calibration).

Interpreting the table

"Distance" in the above table refers to the furthest distance from the chart at which a normal eye is able to read the letter. On a Snellen eye chart, rows of letters of a given size have the corresponding distance number next to them. Thus the row of 18mm letters is marked "40". The font must be Courier (or Courier Bold) in order for the "font size" in points to correspond to the indicated letter height. Courier Bold is the PostScript font that most closely approximates the official Snellen letters.

Visual Acuity

by Wendy Strouse Watt, O.D.
October 2003
A standard eye chart is necessary to make comparisons and to record people's visual acuity. The most common chart used in most doctors' offices is the Snellen eye chart. In 1862, a Dutch Ophthalmologist, Dr. Hermann Snellen, devised this eye chart. He determined that there was a relationship between the sizes of certain letters viewed at certain distances. A copy of the Snellen chart may be found here.
The Snellen eye chart has a series of letters or letters and numbers, with the largest at the top. As the person being tested reads down the chart, the letters gradually become smaller. Many other versions of this chart are used for people who cannot read the alphabet. The Tumbling E chart has the capital letter "E" facing in different directions and the person being tested must determine which direction the "E" is pointing, up, down, left, or right. A Broken Wheel vision test is one that can be used for children or those who cannot read the alphabet and the person being tested must tell which card has the broken wheels on the pictured car. Another type of eye chart that can be used is a picture chart with common pictures of different sizes. In research, another chart, the ETDRS chart, has become the standard. Originally, the chart was used in the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study.
The Snellen fractions, 20/20, 20/30, etc., are measures of sharpness of sight. They relate to the ability to identify small letters with high contrast at a specified distance. They give no information about seeing larger objects and objects with poor contrast (such as steps and curbs); it also does not inform us as to whether or not meaning is obtained from visual input, how much effort is needed to see clearly or singly, and whether or not vision is less efficient when using both eyes as opposed to each eye individually. In short, visual acuity measures only the smallest detail we can see; it does not represent the quality of vision in general.
August Colenbrander, M.D. (Smith-Kettlewell Eye research Institute and California Pacific Medical Center) offers a good explanation of acuity measurement. He says: "If a subject needs letters (or symbols) that are twice as large or twice as close as those that can just be seen by a standard eye, visual acuity is said to be 1/2 (or an equivalent fractional value, such as 20/40, 6/12, etc.). If the magnification need is 5x, visual acuity is 1/5 (20/100, 6/30, etc.), and so on."
Dr. Colenbrander also emphasizes that, contrary to popular belief, 20/20 is not actually normal or average, let alone perfect, acuity. Snellen, he says, established it is a reference standard. Normal acuity in healthy adults is one or two lines better. Average acuity in a population sample does not drop to the 20/20 level until age 60 or 70. This explains the existence of the two lines smaller than 20/20: 20/15 and 20/10.
When checking visual acuity, one eye is covered at a time and the vision of each eye is recorded separately, as well as both eyes together. In the Snellen fraction 20/20, the first number represents the test distance, 20 feet. The second number represents the distance that the average eye can see the letters on a certain line of the eye chart. So, 20/20 means that the eye being tested can read a certain size letter when it is 20 feet away. If a person sees 20/40, at 20 feet from the chart that person can read letters that a person with 20/20 vision could read from 40 feet away. The 20/40 letters are twice the size of 20/20 letters; however, it does not mean 50% vision since 20/20 sounds like it is one half of 20/40. If 20/20 is considered 100% visual effiency, 20/40 visual acuity is 85% efficient.
If a patient sees 20/200, the smallest letter that they can see at 20 feet could be seen by a normal eye at 200 feet. This is the Snellen Acuity (English). In Metric Acuity, 20/20 equals 6/6. The conversion is that 20 feet equals approximately 6 meters (actually 6.096).

Metric 6/3
Snellen 20/10
For people who have worse than 20/400 vision, a different eye chart can be used that measures beyond 20/400 vision, or, for the most accurate measurements, a Low Vision Chart can be moved closer to the patient to measure the smallest letter that they can see at a lesser distance. It is common to record vision worse than 20/400 as Count Fingers (CF at a certain number of feet), Hand Motion (HM at a certain number of feet), Light Perception (LP), or No Light Perception (NLP). The conversion of Snellen Acuity to Count Fingers Acuity is as follows:

CF10' (Count Fingers at ten feet)
CF 8'
CF 7'
CF 6'
CF 5'
CF 4'
CF 3'
CF 2'
CF 1'
Prescriptions for eyeglasses are measured in diopters. The measurement starts at zero ("plano"), with four quarters to a diopter: 0.25 (a quarter diopter), 0.50 (one half a diopter), 0.75 (3/4 of a diopter), and 1.00 (one diopter). The higher the numbers, the higher (stronger) the prescription.Here are estimates for the approximate correction needed for each line seen on the Snellen chart:

Snellen 20/10
Estimated prescription Plano (zero)
Plano to -0.25
-1.00 to -1.25
-1.75 to -2.00
-2.00 to -2.50
This estimation works best for myopia (nearsightedness) because hyperopic (farsighted) people can focus and compensate for a certain amount of their prescription. The Snellen fractions cannot be used for ordering a pair of glasses or contacts that will correct a person's vision.
Legal Blindness is when a person's best-corrected vision is 20/200 or worse. If a person is legally blind, they can qualify for tax breaks and certain federal and state social services, such as help in purchasing magnifiers and other low vision aids.

Snellen charts 
This is the same chart that your doctor uses to determine your visual acuity. The normal height for the letter A is 88 mm, and the viewing distance is 6 meters.
To properly view the chart on your monitor:

  • Measure the height of the letter A in millimeters.
  • Divide by 88.
  • Multiply by 6.
The final number is the distance (in meters) that you should stand from the monitor. For information on using the chart to determine your visual acuity, see "How Visual Acuity Is Measured" in the MD Support Library.

image of Snellen chart